
When unsure about what to do with a site it can make sense to mothball it, while decisions about the future are made. 

At D3 Consulting we provide bespoke closure plans that mitigate the potential risks of costly works and time delays in the future. Our team of professionals provide expert advice relating to ecology, hazardous substance contamination, archaeology, site security, building surveys, support to surrender permits and health and safety liabilities. In addition we provide stakeholder liaison to improve site and owner perception.

Further information on our approach is available below. If you’d rather discuss your requirements with on of the team, please do call the office on +44 (0)1803 840888.

Limiting liabilities as a result of mothballing

An important aspect of our work is providing clients with scenarios focused on possible cost and liabilities projection based on the site being mothballed for set periods of time. There is a common misconception that mothballing a site essentially means that all costs associated with that site are ‘frozen’. In reality that is rarely the case, unoccupied buildings degrade over time, sites can become increasingly dangerous to work in and ecology can move in to the site, placing restrictions on when work can take place. In short, the site remains a liability to the owner during the mothballing period and our role is to limit that liability as far as possible. Ensuring the site remains secure from public access and free from vandalism is imperative to mitigate against liability for any events occurring on the site.  We conduct onsite inspections, checking the integrity of the security fence, ensuring all access points are securely boarded and that any unsafe or unsound materials are removed or secured.

Stakeholder liaison during mothballing

When mothballing a site, it can also be important to conduct a degree of stakeholder liaison, keeping the local community and other interested parties up to date with what is happening to the building, and the plans for the future. We’ll produce information leaflets about the building, detailing why it’s being mothballed, any future plans for the site, safety and access precautions and who to contact with any questions. We’ll also provide ongoing updates to stakeholders if required. 


If you'd like to discuss your requirements with on of the team, please do call the office on +44 (0)1803 840888.

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